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Traditional Knowledge

Guide to resources for traditional knowledge research

More Help from Research and Information Services

Chandrika Jeganathan
Librarian- Acquistions/Serials x2305

Vivienne Iglesias
Document Delivery x2430

Melissa Loader
Document Delivery/Loans/Clearances x2608


Feedback Form

TK Portal Feedback Form

Please help RIS to improve the TK Portal by completing this short survey.

1. Where do you work in the organisation?

2. How useful is the information on the TK portal?

3. How easy was it to find your way around the TK portal?

4. How would you rate this portal as a resource for your work?

5. Overall, how would you rate the quality of this portal. Move the slider to a position between 0 (left, low quality) and 10 (right, high quality):

6. Please offer any Comments or Suggestions in the box below: