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SNIPER Intellectual Property Database: SNIPER IP Database

A guide to the SNIPER intellectual property database and open data set.

What is SNIPER?

SNIPER (Searchable Networked Intellectual Property Electronic Resource) is a database indexing published intellectual property literature, created by Research and Information Services staff at IP Australia. SNIPER provides an ongoing knowledge base that supports policy, research and awareness of intellectual property matters, with approximately 200 new items being added each year. As at January 2016, SNIPER contains over 38,000 items.

SNIPER database is freely available via IP Australia's EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) platform. Please note that EDS adds sessional information to the URL which expires, so if you’re planning to bookmark SNIPER, please make sure you save this link, rather than bookmarking directly from the EDS platform.

For assistance with SNIPER, please email SNIPER Support at

Current SNIPER Content

What Does SNIPER Include?

SNIPER consists mainly of journal articles gathered from IP Australia Library's collections as well as material of interest within the intellectual property subject area. This may include (but is not limited to): print and electronic journal articles, reports, working and research papers, electronic documents, book chapters, conference papers, audio-visual recordings (such as podcasts), etc.

Materials are generally selected according to the SNIPER selection policy. If relevant items are found in titles other than those listed in the SNIPER Source List, these may also be incorporated.

Each SNIPER entry has a short abstract, and has been assigned subject terms from the Australian Intellectual Property Thesaurus.

SNIPER Full Text

Please note that for copyright reasons, IP Australia is currently unable to make full text directly available to readers outside IP Australia.

To obtain the full text of items listed in SNIPER, please contact your local library for assistance with inter-library loan. You can locate Australian libraries via the Australian Libraries Gateway.

Privacy Notice

NOTE: When accessing SNIPER you may be required to provide login information, such as your name and email address. Please note that this information is collected by the service provider, not IP Australia, and should be handled in accordance with the individual service provider's privacy policy.